GetHuman:GetHuman-ifrgsxza: ¿puede decirles a nuestros otros LinkedIn clientes cuándo tuvo lugar su caso?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Yup. Era afternoon, el noviembre 25º.
GetHuman:¿Te comunicaste con LinkedIn y, de ser así, cómo?
GetHuman:¿Y cuál de estos problemas comunes del cliente LinkedIn describe mejor la razón por la que quería hablar con ellos?
(Muestra GetHuman-ifrgsxza una lista de LinkedIn problemas comunes)
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:"Account Restricted" fue la razón por la que estaba intentando to contact.
GetHuman:Entonces, ¿cómo resumiría su experiencia para la comunidad de clientes LinkedIn de GetHuman? Censuraremos cualquier ID, número o código y cualquier palabra inapropiada aquí por respeto a los millones de otros clientes que usan este recurso.
GetHuman:¿Puedes contarnos un poco más al resto de lo que sucedió en 11/25/17?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Linkedin: PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE THE USERS OR CUSTOMERS WHILE THEY ARE THE PRODUCT BEING SOLD**Linkedin like other tools of global fling, mass surveillance and thought control (egg facebook) has been put in place to lure people into something that simply doesn't exists: a free lunch. **Linkedin is the favourite tool of lazy people who don't want to make efforts or spend time to put their resume online or to adapt it to the companies they apply to.**Linkedin is the favourite tool of HR***Linkedin is the favourite tool of lazy HR people who don't want to make efforts or spend time to do their job of assessing resume, finding candidates, interviewing them to find the right candidate. ****They love it, with Linkedin, they think they have a gigantic database of "talents" (the "newspeak" word for worker or employee) at their disposal. ***They mistakenly think that the all world is there (while only a minority of real pros are using this piece of ****). **HR can go do what they do best thanks to Linkedin: ***Avoid direct contact with Human beings***spend their days at the coffee machine or online, on "social" media, buying clothes and make up products ***or chatting with their "friends” all day long, ***"Working" from home, getting up late, not answering any emails or calls ***Pretending to be important by participating to meetings after meetings all ore useless than the others. ***Etc..**Linkedin is the tool of choice for incompetent, lazy, arrogant, petty and egocentric HR employees.****This is where they post their fake job ads to "enhance" their "talent" "pool", not wondering why every candidate out there hate them for posting fake jobs and wasting their time.***Thanks to them and to the traditional crooks of the ‘recruitment” industry, Linkedin has become a vast platform of false advertising, data collection, spamming, junk and fraudulent adverts. **Besides the use made of Linkedin by these brave people, let's not forget that:****Linkedin "privacy" policy is a mock of privacy. I can get any information I want about anybody as long as they have made the mistake to join Linkedin (even those who set up their profile as the most private, I can still get all their info).**Linkedin is not a tool to find jobs:****Linkedin is designed for HR, recruitment “specialists”and sales people to spam, bother, file, monitor, post fake ads, spy and check on your former colleagues.***This is why millions of morons pay for "premium" accounts. Allowing them to violate further the privacy of other users.***Linkedin is like this guy who organise a party for his few friends and invite figuration people to make it look like he has thousands of friends and to fill the room. Guess who get the best parts?**Linkedin is involved in heavy harassment and bullying of their users. ****They decide to avoid users to access their accounts, bare them from some functionalities if the user doesn't comply to their political or corporate views. ***To bully users, Linkedin uses often the "bug" or "technical problem" trick with the message everyone knows:**"There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request". ***This is not only illegal, this is ethically low. *Linkedin ***** their “clients” (pigeon is the right word). ****when it comes to cancel payments on the people who made the mistake of signing for a premium account. Please read the thousands of complaints and rants on this subject on the web.**Last but not least, like their totalitarian counterpart ,Facebook, Linkedin isn't for free at all: **ON Linkedin, PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE THE USERS OR CUSTOMERS WHILE THEY ARE THE PRODUCT BEING SOLD
GetHuman:Cuantifiquemos su experiencia contactando a LinkedIn. En una escala del 1 al 5, ¿qué tan fácil es obtener ayuda para un problema LinkedIn?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Les daría un two de cinco para facilitar la búsqueda de ayuda.
GetHuman:¿Qué pasa con la calidad de la comunicación? ¿Cómo calificaría eso en una escala de 1 a 5?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Les daría un one de cinco en comunicación.
GetHuman:¿Y qué hay de la capacidad de LinkedIn para abordar su problema de manera rápida y efectiva?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Para eso diría two de cinco.
GetHuman:Y finalmente, ¿algún consejo para otros LinkedIn clientes?
GetHuman-ifrgsxza:Intenta lidiar con ellos temprano en el día o más tarde. No olvide ninguna información personal o de cuenta que pueda necesitar para LinkedIn para saber quién es usted.
GetHuman:Bueno, ahí lo tienes. Algunos comentarios útiles y palabras de GetHuman-ifrgsxza tomadas de su LinkedIn problema de servicio al cliente que ocurrió en noviembre 25º, 2017.